Leadership Team

Dr. Stan Ellis
Board Chairman

Dr. Stan Ellis is an experienced professional in the fields of Accounting, Fraud Investigations, Risk Management, Coaching, Mentoring and Leadership.

Along with his educational achievements, he has more than 20 years of cumulative experience in the Financial Services, Government and Energy industries.

Dr. Ellis was the Chief Privacy Officer and Anti-Money Laundering (AML) Compliance officer for a major Financial Services Company in recent years. He holds certifications in Accounting, Internal Audit, Fraud Examination and Risk Management.

Musi Kiarie
Board Member

Musi Kiarie is a dynamic motivational Speaker who is passionate about empowering and equipping women to be all that they were created to be. She takes the word of God “literally” and is passionate about the things of God. Her mission is to be used of Him, for His special and specific purpose: *To shine His Light, to share His love and to shape His people*.

She was recently recognized and awarded the *2017 Distinguished Leadership Award* as a global influencer by iChange Nations. She is also a recipient of the 2016 *Golden Rule International World Peace Ambassadors Award* by iChange Nations, and appointed as a Goodwill Ambassador for the Golden Rule and a recipient of the *2016 Women Add Value Leadership and Recognition Award*.

Clint Hatton
Board Member

Clint Hatton is a gifted speaker, communicator, published author, leader and recognized team builder who has an influence that is reaching the Nations. He is passionate about empowering people to live out their full potential and to embrace who God has created them to be - a unique expression of Him in the world today.

Clint has been a Pastor for the last 12 years and has worked in full time ministry for over 17 years, serving alongside some of the most influential Christian leaders in the world today. He specializes in organizational health and communication and is especially gifted to mentor leaders in fulfilling their destiny and purpose while maintaining health in their marriages, families and friendships.

He was recently recognized and awarded the 2017 Distinguished Leadership Award as a global influencer by iChange Nations.

Amarillys Hatton
Board Member

Amarillys Hatton is a passionate and energetic leader, speaker and communicator whose scope of influence has expanded from reaching the local church to reaching the Nations. She is highly effective in helping women overcome obstacles that have kept them from being a full expression of who God has created them to be. She has been in full time ministry for over 17 years and has served as a Pastor for the last 12 years alongside her husband, with special focus in the areas of marriage and women’s ministry.

A sought-after voice and mentor by leaders of ministries and organizations, Amarillys believes everything you need to live up to your full potential is found in the scriptures and life example of Jesus. She is a modern day prophetic voice that is empowering the souls of this generation to be fully committed to God and fulfill every ounce of their purpose in this world. She was recently recognized and awarded the 2017 Distinguished Leadership Award as a global influencer by iChange Nations as well as the 2017 Women Add Value Award by the same organization.

David Peairs
Board Member

For the past 20+ years David has been a corporate technology sales executive for some major software companies, including McAfee and Oracle. While selling millions of dollars of software, support and services he's earned multiple accolades and awards along the way.

As an experienced entrepreneur of 15+ years, David has owned and run multiple businesses, both online and offline.
He is currently the Founder & CEO of My MVP Shops, which owns and operates MySportsDecor.com and MyTeamBling.com. These ecommerce shops sell physical products that help sports fans show off the love of their favorite college and pro teams.

For the last 4+ years David has been leading and coaching a group called “The Limitless Entrepreneur”, surrounding himself with other like-minded, big thinking business owners and helping them understand God’s Kingdom system for success.

Additionally, he has recently started LimitlessLife.tv to inspire others to continuously become better versions of themselves, so that they successfully fulfill their God given purpose and make a positive impact on their sphere of influence.

One of David's greatest joys is encouraging and helping people to dream big and take steps to live the life they were destined for.

Dr. Margaret Ellis
Chief Executive Officer

As the Chief Executive Officer, I have adapted the belief that “everything rises and falls on leadership” and since leadership does not exist where people are not valued, I advocate for investment in developing an organization’s most valuable asset - people.

I am a devoted entrepreneur with more than 17 years of experience as a top level professional with a career focused in banking, mortgage, retail and financial services industries. I have built a track record of successfully developing and implementing innovative, effective and applicable solutions and strategies for success.

The knowledge earned through my partnership with John C Maxwell has taught me that “leadership is influence” and that “leaders don’t change people by telling them what they’re doing wrong but a better to do it”. Therefore; I have nurtured a burning passion to empower, partner and teach you how to become a person of Influence in both in your professional and personal life. I am committed to helping people find passion and purpose in life and this is achieved through collaboration with organizations and people to help them create new possibilities in their lives.

I have bought into a leadership development strategy which is focused on empowering leaders to identify core performance gaps/challenges that your organization is facing and provide you with the resources to identify solutions through the alignment of employee goals and competencies with overall organization objectives.

Shibu George
Board Member

Born and raised in New York, Shibu attended India Christian Assembly for 30 years. While being actively involved, he served as its Praise and Worship Leader and Youth Director. Shibu has also served as Praise and Worship Leader for the state and national organizations affiliated with the church. In addition, he was one of the lead singers of a praise and worship band called Forgiven.

Since moving to Dallas, Texas, Shibu has been attending Covenant Church, where he has served on the Praise Team of the Choir, leading in the Small Group ministry and presently, as an Elder over ReNew, the Marriage ministry at the McKinney campus. He is a graduate of Covenant Training Institute and has been on a missions trip to Nicaragua and Costa Rica.

Shibu is married to Joyce and they have three children: Kayla, Jonathan and Sophie. He is employed as a Software Developer Manager at Oracle and has his own business, GP5 Technology, Inc.